The Vatican’s First Retirement Agreement In 600 Years Is Not So Hot


A view of the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery, on right, where Pope Benedict XVI is expected to live after he resigns. The cloistered nuns who lived there were asked to leave two years earlier than expected . Guess the landlord needed  the space for his own use.  Italian housing court was probably not involved in the Sisters’  ‘eviction’.

I was all prepared to write  a snarky line like :” The Pope’s Golden Parachute Is  Way Better Than Yours” with i-BfxVMhp-L i-b5c923h-L i-tHTS95W-Li-TMss3jj-Lsnaps of all the splendor and extravagant excess  His Holiness will enjoy in retirement,  but it just ain’t true for @Pontifax. The Church’s first retirement package in 600 years is
a bit Fred Thompson/Reverse Mortgage-ish  as in The Pope Emeritus gets a place to live in for life,  reportedly a Convent under renovation  behind the pad of the new Pope. His pension is $2,500 Euros a month (roughly $3,200) and i-SVFZnpL-L i-hTsk4WT-Lhis former employer pays for health care, food, housekeepers.  The new retiree Tweeted his goodbye:

Thank you for your love and support. May you always experience the joy that comes from putting Christ at the centre of your lives.

— Benedict XVI (@Pontifex) February 28, 2013

Via The Washington Post:


Castel Gandolfo, vacation home of the Pope, where @Pontifax will be staying until his new digs in Vatican City are ready.

“…The pope joined Twitter on Dec. 12 after months of lobbying from the social-networking site. The move was big news for the Catholic Church, which has a long-standing reputation for slowness to adopt new technology.i-dN8n73p-L i-HMkNzvD-L i-cbD2JSJ-L

Since then, the pope’s English-language account, @pontifex, has racked up more than 1.5 million followers. But the future of Twitter in the church is anything but clear.

As the Post’s Jason Horowitz reports from Vatican City, many church officials doubt the power of social media and seem skeptical with its ethos of transparency. Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli, the president of the church’s Pontifical Council for Social Communications, is one of the few true believers.

“I don’t even think that there is a force voluntarily against this,” he said of the opposition to social media in the Vatican. “It’s that we have people who belong to another culture. Many people still have an instrument-based view of communication. I have an instrument, an iPhone. There is no understanding that there is another world, a network that we all live in together. There isn’t this understanding.”